There are more interests in the most affordable and environmentally energy, and we can say the atomic energy is as the front-runner in this industry.

However, in the event of nuclear accidents, damage cause harmful influence to the environment, and that fire can be one of the reasons.

In order prevent these accidents, checking the suitability for sealing material of all penetrations and performance evaluation to be prepared for an accident can be called the purpose of inspection services
We check the sealing on penetration to penetrate all walls and floor and finishing material and do performance evaluation to meet service condition. If sealing does not meet the performance evaluation, we confirm and measure the penetration seal. So in case of fire, we prevent accidents that might occur flames, toxic gases diffusion and radiation spill.
Since the founding in 1992, we performed the sealing of the penetration on multiple nuclear power plant, and domestic first company with various patent These skills and experience, know-how in performance would be improve the effect in performing of evaluation of EQ for NPP.
- Evaluation for penetration sealing on KRN Unit 3,4(2009.07 ~ 2011.02)
- Evaluation for firewall penetration sealing on UCN Unit 3,4(2010.06 ~ 2011. 04)